Early Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period

Early Pregnancy Symptoms before Missed Period

Your body temperature increases before ovulation and then return to normal once your period cycle has ended. This is not the case with pregnant women. During the time you are pregnant, the basal body temperature tends to be on the side for a sustained time period.

As the body is preparing itself for a new life within you the basal temperature stays high with the implantation in place.

That is because the immune system of the human body is re-aligning itself to go through the gestation period easily.

You should observe that your body temperature and if it's on the higher side for over 20 to 30 days post ovulation then you can make certain you are pregnant and ready to make life.


This is an important symptom that shouldn't be ignored. While hormones in your body are playing havoc and realigning themselves you might crave your favorite food items and you might also become sensitive to particular odors and smells. You might take a liking to pungent and tangy or spicy food and may also create a version for some other foods.

These symptoms occur at the beginning of your pregnancy journey and typically do not survive long. It has also been noticed that some pregnant women begin eating less in the days prior to their periods.


Weekly before you skip a period your breasts tend to become thick, tender and sore along with your areas become darker than usual. Many pregnant women also experience pain in their breasts. Nipples become darker and girls start feeling itchy, prickly or tingly there.

These symptoms can also be noticeable after you have missed your period as well. These symptoms occur due to the growth in estrogen levels in the human body.


Once you are pregnant, the changes in the hormone levels will force you to behave in extremes. At times you'll be joyous, excited and joyful and at other times you'll be sobbing, depressed and crying over the tiniest of issues. This happens as the imbalanced hormones affect the neurotransmitters in the brain causing intense behavior patterns.

Thus it is crucial to have psychological support and sit back and unwind in case you are not feeling up and routine to it.



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